September from our Exhaulted Ruler

Supporting our Community and our Members

Sep 07


Fall is here and we are looking forward to several important activities.  We still have tickets for the Side-by-Side Raffle.  If you don’t need a side-by-side, you can take $10,000.  The tickets are $100 but they are only selling 300 tickets.  Please support our efforts to improve our community with a lovely pocket park.  We are having an event at the lodge on September 16th to pick the winner.  We will have live music with Cowboy Angle Blue.  We are working on getting a couple of silent auction items to spice up the evening.

The second event is “100th  Anniversary of our Building”  Party.  This will be held on Saturday, October 28, 2023.  We are working on some displays to showcase the history of the building construction and some other history of our lodge.  There will be many door prizes so make sure that you come up for the fun.  Our State President, Sue Foster will be attending too.

Please consider volunteering to help at the lodge some time this fall.  If you have artistic talent or just like to work on displays, please let me know.  You will learn some history and have some fun.  

See you at the Lodge,
