November ENF

Supporting our Community and our Members

Sep 08


The Elks National Foundation does more than scholarships,  it also provides funding for our MN Elks Youth Camp, for the Hoop Shoot, as well as for veterans at every one of our Veterans Homes in the state.  Last year, our Minnesota Lodges donated $127,752.88 to the Elks National Foundation. The Foundation returned $211,010.00 to Minnesota’s students, veterans, Hoop Shoot programs, and our State Project, the Youth Camp.  That’s a return of $1.62 for every $1 donated.  And that doesn’t include the $243,000.00 provided to our Minnesota Lodges for their Community Investment Programs, of which our Lodge received $8,500.00 to help our communities.

If you haven’t donated to the Elks National Foundation yet, it’s never too late.  You can donate online by going to the Elks Website at, click on Elks National Foundation, and directions and links are there.  Or just send a check made out to the Eveleth Elks and put ENF on the memo line.  The Lodge will be able to credit you with the donation and send the money in for you.  

Don’t forget that the Elks National Foundation is a 501(c)3 organization and thus any donations can be tax deductible.


George Walters, PSP, Lodge Chair