July From the desk of Jen Evenson, Gambling Manager

Supporting our Community and our Members

Sep 07

It’s audit time again for Gambling, which means we are SUPER BUSY and hard at work getting all of the required items ready to send off to the auditor, and also hopefully June will be our last month for a huge tax bill!  We’ve been holding off on our donations to make sure we can meet all of our requirements and demands the state puts on us.  Currently we are at a 4 star rating and I expect we will finish out the year at that which is definitely something to be proud of.  Thank you to all who helped and all who participated in our 1st Public Safety Appreciation event.  We could’ve gone through at least 3 times the amount of products we had.  Watch facebook and our newsletter for more information about our next giveaway during National Night Out.  Get a headstart on school supplies.  If you’re a member and would like to donate school supplies feel free to drop them off at the lodge anytime before July 25th so we package them up to give to area elementary students to start off their year prepared.  Also, please don’t forget to purchase your ticket for the Polaris Side-by-Side.  The Raffle date is September 16th, I have a feeling we will be out of tickets way before our raffle date.  Tickets are $100 each and we’re only selling 300 of them total.  If you don’t win the Side-by-Side, you could win one of our 2 cash prizes instead.  2nd place is $1000 and 3rd place is $500 in cash.  Tickets can be purchased at the Lodge, from several lodge members, at Eggy’s Red Garter, Margie’s Roosevelt, The Dug Out, The Downtown Bar and the Gilbert VFW.  You won’t want to miss this fun event.  All proceeds will be donated to the Eveleth Pocket Park project!  A concept drawing of this is posted at the Lodge. Bingo is still hopping on Friday nights beginning at 7 p.m. Hope to see you at the Lodge soon. Have a Safe and Happy Independence Day!